Chicken of the Sound
Your bait flies freely through the hot July air, hits the Mississippi Sound’s surface, and then quickly sinks to the bottom. You reel up the slack just enough to keep a bit of tension on the line. […]
Your bait flies freely through the hot July air, hits the Mississippi Sound’s surface, and then quickly sinks to the bottom. You reel up the slack just enough to keep a bit of tension on the line. […]
If I could pick only one place to fish in July, I’d fish the Tombigbee River on the Tenn-Tom Waterway and the Aliceville Pool. At this time of year, you really can catch quality bass off the old river ledges there with a Mann’s 15+ and a 20+ crankbait. My favorite colors are blue/chartreuse, black/chartreuse and Tennessee shad. […]
Lamar Arrington maneuvered the canoe through a shallow shoal area on the Chunky River like only an expert canoeist could. While Arrington had made this trek many times before, this time he was in search of the feisty Kentucky spotted bass that inhabits the Chunky and many shallow-water streams, creeks and rivers around the state. […]
The air was filled with the sounds of night as we shoved off the bank and headed out. Shutting down the outboard and cranking the fan, our captain eased into the shallows and the hunt began. […]
White-tailed buck racks have never been bigger in Mississippi than they are right now. It seems we have a virtual explosion of big bucks in this state, and plenty of evidence exists to prove it. […]
Just call me the “weatherman,” because like the weatherman, I can tell you what happened yesterday better than I can predict what may happen tomorrow. […]
Many anglers overlook small ponds this time of year, but they actually deliver some really big bass. […]
My brother, Ron, and I pushed off from the bank of the 10-acre pond in a 14-foot john boat just as the sun brightened the eastern sky. The water’s surface was not yet discernable from the heavy morning fog that was clinging tightly to the surface and turning the surroundings into a hazy, pastel gray. […]
I hate summer. It’s too hot and humid to do anything worthwhile outside, in my opinion. I don’t fish much, don’t have the patience for baseball, would rather hit my thumb with a hammer than work in the yard or a garden and the beach is for, well, terns and seagulls. […]
With a single sharp tug on the pull cord, the trusty old Mercury outboard purred to life. Not waiting for instructions from my uncle, I gently shoved the boat clear of the sandbar on Middle Ground Island. The swift current caught our 16-foot johnboat and carried it into the main channel of the river. Using the powerful outboard, my uncle swung the bow of the boat upstream and headed in the direction of our first trotline set. […]
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