Oxbow lakes get hot in September
September is a really good month to catch bass in private ponds and lakes, even in sub-developments and state and municipal parks, with a 1/2-ounce Mann’s Stone jig and a big spinnerbait. […]
September is a really good month to catch bass in private ponds and lakes, even in sub-developments and state and municipal parks, with a 1/2-ounce Mann’s Stone jig and a big spinnerbait. […]
If I only had four hours to fish during the month of August on a Mississippi lake, I’d fish the lily pads at Ross Barnett. At this time of year, the bass like to get under the pads because they can hide out in the shade, the water is cooler and there’s plenty of oxygen. […]
If I could pick only one place to fish in July, I’d fish the Tombigbee River on the Tenn-Tom Waterway and the Aliceville Pool. At this time of year, you really can catch quality bass off the old river ledges there with a Mann’s 15+ and a 20+ crankbait. My favorite colors are blue/chartreuse, black/chartreuse and Tennessee shad. […]
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