Species Spotlight: Cobia
Cobia are pelagic, living most of their lives offshore, but they enter estuaries occasionally. And they will eat just about anything. […]
Cobia are pelagic, living most of their lives offshore, but they enter estuaries occasionally. And they will eat just about anything. […]
Summer on Mississippi’s Gulf Coast offers a lot of action for fishermen, including trout, redfish, snapper, grouper, cobia, mackerel and tripletail. […]
Fishermen may have started looking for cobia migrating into Mississippi waters in March and fished for them when April’s winds would allow. […]
One of April’s greatest gifts to Mississippi’s coastal anglers is the cobia, aka ling or lemonfish. Called “brownies” by some of its most avid pursuers, this delicious, feisty fish has been a traditional treasure on the Gulf Coast.
Call them whatever you want — lemon fish, cobia or ling — but their firm, white meat is delicious, and it’s prime time to catch them off Gulf coast.
About 8,000 juvenile cobia will be released this week on two artificial reefs off the Mississippi Coast, the Department of Marine Resources announced yesterday (Dec. 6). […]
Thirty-five miles south of Horn Island in the Gulf of Mexico, we spotted a jack-up rig that seemed to be calling our names. As we approached it, we saw what we’d hoped — two cobia, a 40-pounder and a 10-pounder. […]
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