No. 1 key to duck success
Duck numbers along the Mississippi River Flyway have fluctuated both up and down throughout history. […]
Duck numbers along the Mississippi River Flyway have fluctuated both up and down throughout history. […]
A fast method of field-breasting ducks from Bob Marshall, the former outdoors editor for the New Orleans Times-Picayune newspaper. […]
Last week’s severe arctic cold blast that raced across and froze out most areas of the upper Mississippi River flyway was an early Christmas gift to duck hunters in the Magnolia State. […]
Normally, a three-inch rain similar to the one that hit Mississippi on Monday and Tuesday this week would have a dramatic impact on duck habitat in the Delta. […]
Duck season returns Saturday for one more day of hunting, and while shooting is limited to hunters aged 15 and under, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks encourages participation by licensed adults. […]
Whistling wings buzzed directly overhead an instant before a flock of ducks suddenly crashed into our decoy spread in the pre-dawn darkness. An old lone Susie who was now swimming amongst the decoys called out to a group of mallards flying overhead. […]
As expected after federal officials last month reported another above-average count in its annual waterfowl population surveys, Mississippi has set a 2015-16 duck season that gives hunters 60 days and a six-bird daily limit. […]
If ever a biblical verse has fit a hunting season, it is Job 1:21 and the start of the 2014 Mississippi Duck season. […]
Here are some steps to take that have helped duck hunters work ahead of hunts to prevent headaches in the blind. […]
Drew Burton and fellow hunters at the Cole Lake Hunting Club in Isola decided not to hunt on Sunday, the final day of the best duck season in Mississippi in his lifetime. […]
There’s a good reason why most Mississippi duck hunters residing outside of the Delta don’t know about some pretty darn good public waterfowl opportunities in the Tallahatchie region. It’s probably because Delta hunters try to keep it secret. […]
Any thoughts that Mississippi duck hunters had that the early migration brought on by freakish November cold fronts would be short lived … forget about it. […]
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