Flounder: catch ‘em while they’re here
Flounder are a year-round fish on the northern side of the Gulf of Mexico, but with opposite migration patterns than most shallow-water gamefish like speckled trout, redfish and sheepshead. […]
Flounder are a year-round fish on the northern side of the Gulf of Mexico, but with opposite migration patterns than most shallow-water gamefish like speckled trout, redfish and sheepshead. […]
Mississippi is blessed with an abundance of smaller rivers and creeks that wind their way across the state. These waterways provide plenty of waterfowl resting and feeding grounds to both resident populations and those making more southerly migrations. […]
A typical day of chasing woodies with the author starts out a blind he’s constructed at a favorite, abandoned farm pond in the middle of some big timber. It has a beaver dam across the spillway and cypress trees growing on the shallow end. […]
If you have a place that holds a few wood ducks and you want to make it better and attract more, think about building some wood duck boxes and placing them over or near the water. […]
Biologists and anglers have theorized what causes catfish to suspend off the bottom at different times, with feeding, water quality, oxygen, and thermoclines being the most-common answers.
While the Mississippi River is probably the best-known catfish producer in the state, many of Mississippi’s reservoirs also hold their share of decent blue catfish. […]
I love hunting cutovers that are between three and five years old, offer plenty of browse for deer and afford them security to feed openly during the day while never leaving the thick browse. Hunters who set up in elevated stands are able to spot deer — and pick out a good buck every once in a while — without ever being spotted. […]
Sheepshead got their name for a reason: their faces forevermore look like those of sheep, with teeth that can do harm to weak hooks and an ill-placed finger. […]
Several hunting club presidents and/or board members surveyed about what they’ve done to help alleviate the financial burden their groups have faced volunteered some of their tactics to compensate for the rise in lease prices. […]
Hunter Safety System, Inc., was born out of a love for hunting and a desire to keep safe all hunters who use tree stands. Even so, it took a near-death experience to provide the impetus for the creation of the HSS harness. […]
It is blessing and a curse, but parts of the Strong River have little or no cell-phone service. Tall trees and high banks block the signal. For that reason, if no other, be sure to file a travel itinerary with someone who will take responsibility if you fail to show up at an appointed time. […]
Fishing along Mississippi’s Gulf Coast is great in October. […]
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