Lure Review: The Comida SI

(Photo courtesy Gary Yates)

Fish this Mister Twister bait any way you want

Ask someone who has fished and hooked beaucoup bass on Mister Twister’s Comida, a soft plastic stick bait, since Day 1 and he’ll tell you about the catches in Lake Ray Roberts and other lakes across and beyond Texas.

Gary Yates, an accomplished tournament bass angler from Oak Point, Texas, has been throwing Mister Twister products since 1974 and has been a member of the artificial lure manufacturer’s pro staff since 2010. He’s been on the Comida bandwagon since it was introduced around the mid-2010s.

The Comida triggered bites from countless bass for Yates, no doubt about it. But there was something about it

“You can fish it any way you want it. The key to me was how durable it was. The only drawback for us was the slow rate of fall,” he said, and even that was different for each one out of the bag.

Nevertheless, the inconsistency didn’t stop him from using it religiously.

Unbelievable action!

Fast forward to the start of 2024. Mister Twister’s creative minds were putting the finishing touches on a newer model — salty and balanced just right — called the Comida SI (Salt Infused).

Mister Twister introduced Comida SI, a salt injected “stick” worm, at the beginning of the summer. (Photo courtesy Gary Yates)

“Unbelievable action! Unbelievable. The bait performs fantastic. This thing is going to be a game-changer. I don’t know if there’s a better soft plastic out there right now. The Comida SI is everything anybody could want, it really is,” Yates said, adding the suggested retail price for eight per bag also should be a deciding factor for bass anglers to buy a quality soft plastic stick bait.

In the era of forward facing sonar, he said, he can follow the drop. He likes what he sees.

“This bait actually falls like a dream,” he said. “The tail’s not overweighted. The head’s not overweighted. That’s attention to detail.”

Darryl Laurent, Mister Twister’s general manager and sales manager, who was the driving force behind the new Comida SI, said, “This will be big for us.”

Mister Twister decided a full year ago there was a need for re-engineering the original, ultra-popular Comida, and did something about it. It took some doing, the move to get the right balance of salt for a consistent descent rate without losing durability.

Take a swim

Yates, 54, and Matt Gorum, a veteran bass angler from Shreveport, La., were among those trying out Mister Twister’s evolving versions of the 5-inch long Comida SI while providing valued input to the company. Gorum praised its versatility during a recent podcast, noting the Comida SI won several tournaments for him earlier this year.

Yates got in on the project around the first of this year. He received a current prototype at the time, a green pumpkin hue, along with a request for feedback.

“When I picked one up, I said, ‘Wait a minute, this doesn’t seem the same,’” the accomplished bass angler said, noting he went out to his boat, got a pack of original Comidas, then compared old and new models to confirm the difference. He even tested the new one in the swimming pool.

Yates said Laurent told him then, “The bait is truly right.”

He was further convinced when another box of prototypes in some of the other 23 colors were delivered in April. Those 24 colors sealed the deal.

“So we had the colors right,” he said. “They are absolutely phenomenal.”

His top two colors are green pumpkin and candy bug.

He fishes it Texas-rigged, oversized Ned-rigged, on a screwlock 4/0 or 5/0 hook with no weight or on a “mosquito hook” with a spinning rod. It’s at its best when he drops it in the shade of milfoil, where bass go to eat shad.

Naturally, they eat the tantalizing Comida SI, too.

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About Don Shoopman 148 Articles
Don Shoopman fishes for freshwater and saltwater species mostly in and around the Atchafalaya Basin and Vermilion Bay. He moved to Louisiana in 1976, and he and his wife June live in New Iberia. They have two grown sons.

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