Daiwa has introduced a full line of spinning reels designed to meet every angler’s needs and budget.
With five reels, the LT (Light Tough) series is designed to provide roughed performance in smaller packages. LT reels offer smaller frames, larger gears and lighter weight to make fishing all day easier.
The Legalis, Excelled and Fuego models are composed of carbon light bodies, and even the 4000 bodies weigh just 8.4 ounces.
The Tatula and Ballistic LTs step up to Zaion bodies that are stronger than ordinary carbon bodies without sacrificing weight. The 4000-series Tatula weighs just 7.4 ounces, while the Ballistic LT’s largest body (a 6000) tips the scales at just 11.1 ounces.
And the larger DigiGear drives on every LT reel offers the perfect combination of lightness and toughness.
Two models — the Ballistic and the Fuego — feature magsealed main shafts to provide superior saltwater performance.
The most impressive part of the entire line of reels is the cost — an angler can buy a Legalis LT for just $69.
There are four other price points, ranging from $79.99 to $229.99, offering anglers a wide range of choices.
More Info: www.daiwa.com
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