Grab your fishing poles and enjoy a fun day at Bob Tyler Fish Hatchery Visitor Education Center! MDWFP Fishing rodeos are a great opportunity for youth to get into fishing. There will be goodies given out at the event and prizes given away for different fish categories. The MDWFP is excited to welcome the community to join them this Saturday, May 18, 2024 with registration beginning at 7:00 a.m.
Youth Fishing Rodeos feature educational activities focusing on fish, fishing, and environmental concerns. These quality fishing experiences are provided in a controlled, safe environment. The rodeo ponds are well stocked with channel catfish to meet the participants’ expectations of catching fish. Fishing educational and technical information are provided by the Fisheries Technical staff, biologists from the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, and volunteer anglers. Boating safety information is provided by the Law Enforcement Bureau.
For a full list of youth fishing rodeos across the state, visit 2024-youth-fishing-rodeo-schedule-revised-424.pdf (
The Bob Tyler Fish Hatchery and Visitor Education Center is located below Enid Dam in Yalobusha County, Exit 233 off of I-55. For detailed directions, visit
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