50-caliber bullet ricochets, strikes shooter’s ear muffs

The shooter in this vid was probably puckered up for days after his ear muffs were hit by a 50-caliber richochet.

Man is unharmed after bullet bounces off steel plate 1,000 yards downrange

If you set up a 50-caliber rifle for a 1,000-yard shot at a steel plate, everything is fun and games — right?

That’s probably what the hunter in this video thought, until the bullet ricochetted and struck his ear muffs.

Listen closely to the video, and you can hear the bullet strike the steel plate downrange, and then a split second later you’ll see a puff of dust just feet in front of the shooter. The man’s head then snaps to the right, and his ear muff’s fly off.

“Am I bleeding,” he’s heard asking.

Yeah, that’s probably the first question I’d have after getting peelayed by a bullet. Then I’d have some other business that needed attending to.

About Andy Crawford 279 Articles
Andy Crawford has spent nearly his entire career writing about and photographing Louisiana’s hunting and fishing community. While he has written for national publications, even spending four years as a senior writer for B.A.S.S., Crawford never strayed far from the pages of Louisiana Sportsman. Learn more about his work at www.AndyCrawford.Photography.

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