Make sure you know your November deer season starts and stops

November begins with the final weeks of the archery-only deer season in all Mississippi zones, but that will change quickly and often as the month continues.


  • On Nov. 7, the statewide youth season opens on private lands and authorized state and federal lands. Hunters ages 15 and under can begin hunting with a weapon of choice for any-sex deer. State bag limits, seasonal and daily, apply.
  • On Nov. 9, on private lands only in all zones except the Southeast, hunters of all ages can use primitive weapons to take antlerless deer. No bucks will be allowed, and there is no “weapon of choice” allowance for hunters aged 16 and older.
  • On Nov. 21, the first statewide gun season opens, and running deer with dogs is allowed. This season continues through the end of the month, ending on Dec. 1.
Youth deer hunters will get a jump on their adult counterparts when Mississippi’s statewide youth season opens on Nov. 7. Here’s Aden Vanney with his first Mississippi buck.

“I know that between my two sons with rifles and me with a .35 Whelan, we’ll have plenty of meat and sausage put up in mid-November,” said Riley Barnes of Vicksburg. “We always try to get three does done by the opening of the regular gun season so we can then be selective on big bucks. Of course, if one of the kids get a shot at a buck during their season, they have the go-ahead to put it down.

“I took a doe I killed with a crossbow in early October to have completely put into sausage so we can start the season right at camp, with smoked venison links for breakfast and for hot dogs at lunch at the fire pit.”


Barnes said that at least two sets of backstraps are on the menu for Thanksgiving dinner.

“I told the boys they best get busy,” he said. “If they want to have both fried nuggets and grilled steaks, they better have a couple of does on the ground early. It’s a tradition here, and they need to carry the weight.”

About Bobby Cleveland 1340 Articles
Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. A native of Hattiesburg and graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, Cleveland lives on Ross Barnett Reservoir near Jackson with his wife Pam.

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