Next up for deer: Still season starts Saturday

Mississippi's long deer season switches segments on Saturday, with the opening of the eight-day still season. With rutting activity occurring at varying stages in most of the state, there's plenty of opportunity to take a buck.

Primitive weapon split ends Friday; plenty of opportunity left

Mississippi’s gun season on deer hasn’t quite reached the halfway point, and, while there’s plenty of opportunity remaining to score a trophy or fill a freezer, there’s a change in seasons coming Saturday.

Friday is the end of the two-week primitive weapon season statewide, a period that actually affects a small minority of the state’s deer hunters. Those hunting on private land could still use weapon of choice, including modern centerfire rifles and shotguns.

Saturday brings the opening of the eight-day still season, also known as the “gun without dogs season.” Hunters are forbidden to run deer with dogs during this period, which ends on Dec. 23.

On Christmas Eve, or Dec. 24, the final regular gun season opens and running dogs will again be allowed. That season ends on Jan. 17, but deer hunting will continue, basically uninterrupted, through the extended primitive weapon and archery seasons. Hunters on private land can still use weapons of choice.

In the Delta, Northeast, East Central and Southwest Zones, the extended season is Jan. 18-Jan. 31, and hunters can take either-sex deer on private lands but legal bucks only on open public lands (unless otherwise posted).

In the Southeast Zone, the extended season is Jan. 18-Feb. 15. The season is open to either-sex deer on private lands through Jan. 31, but legal bucks only from Feb. 1-15. On public lands, its legal bucks only the entire season. Children aged 15 and under can use weapon of choice on any land and can take either-sex deer on public and private land from Jan. 18-Feb. 15, but legal bucks only on open public lands.

About Bobby Cleveland 1338 Articles
Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. A native of Hattiesburg and graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, Cleveland lives on Ross Barnett Reservoir near Jackson with his wife Pam.

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