By this time of year, the deer have smelled enough human scent that they’re going to do as little as possible to put themselves in jeopardy. Here’s how to beat them at their own game.
Mississippi deer hunters are blessed in many ways. To begin with, we have an extremely long season when compared to other states — Oct. 1-Jan. 31, except for Zone 2, which doesn’t close until Feb. 15. Then there’s the issue of our abundant whitetail population, which ranks among the highest in the nation. The Magnolia State is home to more than 1.5 million deer. Since the early 1970s, deer numbers have exploded throughout the state.
However, an overabundance of deer and a lengthy season doesn’t guarantee every hunter a trophy buck to hang over the fireplace.
“Every year, more hunters compete for less land to hunt on, and this overcrowding is a constant source of grief for some,” said Rick Dillard, Fish and Wildlife Program Director with the U.S. Forest Service and founder of the Magnolia Records Program. “With private land becoming more difficult to find as a result of leasing and development, many hunters are forced to pursue their passion on public lands. Today, hunters must compete for available bucks everywhere, and the competition is intense.”
The remarkable white-tailed deer, however, has adapted to increased hunting pressure with great ease. Harvesting today’s “pressurized” edition of white-tailed buck is a thorough test of any hunter’s skill. While some hunters choose to complain about dwindling opportunities and overcrowded hunting conditions, those willing to hunt smart and utilize other hunters to their advantage can still be consistently successful in harvesting pressured bucks.
Tactics that are productive where deer are undisturbed, however, are rarely effective where hunting pressure is heavy.
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