In the last six years, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been detected in 317 white-tailed deer in 16 counties across Mississippi. The 2023/2024 deer season saw the most samples submitted since 2018 with 9,000+ samples submitted by hunters. This past season saw the addition of six new counties with their first detection of CWD. These counties included: Claiborne, Desoto, Harrison, Lafayette, Tate, and Tishomingo. During this past season, CWD was detected in 110 deer across 12 counties.
The number of white-tailed deer testing positive for CWD statewide is gradually increasing every year. The highest prevalence of CWD in 2024 was seen in Benton County with 1 in 5 deer testing positive and Marshall County with 1 in 12 deer testing positive. Statewide the prevalence has increased from 1 positive deer in 500 tested in 2018 to 1 positive deer in 83 tested.
Hunters are vital to successfully managing CWD and ensuring healthy white-tailed deer herds for future generations. MDWFP primarily relies on hunter-harvested deer for collecting CWD samples. We thank all hunters for continuing to stay actively engaged in this conservation effort.
In preparation for the 2024/2025 deer season, MDWFP encourages hunters to stay vigilant in submitting CWD samples and stay up to date on current CWD protocols in your area. To learn more about CWD Zones and drop off areas along with an in depth look at CWD in Mississippi, visit https://www.mdwfp.com/wildlife-hunting/chronic-wasting-disease or call (601) 432-2200.
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