On private lands, deer hunters can continue using firearm of choice
For the first time ever, this Wednesday’s official close of the final regular gun season will just be a hiccup to the majority of Mississippi’s deer hunters.
Sportsmen who hunt on private lands will be able to continue using their firearm of choice when the late primitive weapon season starts Thursday statewide. Under a law that became effective with the 2014-15 deer season, hunters will have that option on private lands only, although they must possess either a Sportsman’s License or a primitive weapon permit with a big game hunting license.
For hunters in the Hill and Delta Zones, the late primitive weapon season will run through Jan. 31.
In the Southeast Zone, it will continue through Feb. 15. In the Southeast, private land hunters can take both either sex of deer through Jan. 31, but are limited to legal bucks only from Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 (the exception are hunters aged 15 and under, who can take either sex during any open gun season). On open public lands, it is legal bucks only from Jan. 22 through Feb. 15.
Other changes on the schedule include:
* Dove season ended on Thursday (Jan. 15) statewide.
* Duck and goose seasons end Jan. 25.
* Youth waterfowl day is Jan. 31.
* Light goose conservation order opens Jan. 26-Jan. 30 and Feb. 1-March 31.
* Woodcock season ends Jan. 31.
* Crow, snipe, rabbit, squirrel, raccoon (and bobcat, opossum), and trapping seasons end Feb. 28.
* Quail season ends March 7.
* Youth turkey season is March 7-13.
* Spring turkey season is March 14-May 1.
* Spring squirrel season is May 15-June 1.
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