Matching a young hunter to the right firearm

Scott Ellis said using shooting sticks to help a youngster stabilize the gun can help early in their turkey hunting careers.

These days, manufacturers are marketing youth shotguns that are easy for even the smallest youngster to shoot ­— and more than adequate for harvesting a turkey with the proper training.

Master caller and hunter Scott Ellis said he went through all the steps with his son, Jake.

“I started Jake out with shooting sticks and a small shotgun,” Ellis said. “We put small, turkey head targets on sticks and positioned them in the field around us and let him get comfortable with shooting them.”

Each youngster will have limitations, and that’s where the accompanying adult must know their capabilities and how much they can do, including maximum shooting range. In the case of Ellis’s son, 25 yards was Jake’s maximum range his first couple of years.

If you’ll get your youngster a gun he or she can handle and let them practice in shooting positions they will likely encounter in the field, you can prepare them for the moment of truth.

About Michael O. Giles 409 Articles
Mike Giles of Meridian has been hunting and fishing Mississippi since 1965. He is an award-winning wildlife photographer, writer, seminar speaker and guide.

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