WMAs & national forests: Not all national forest land is part of a wildlife management area. Forest service lands outside WMAs can be hunted without a $15 annual WMA Permit, and statewide season structure is followed. A proper license is required.
Legal gobblers: Children 15 and under are allowed to harvest gobblers of any age. For adults (age 16 and over), legal gobblers are described as possessing at least one of the following characteristics: an unbroken, rounded contour to the other perimeter of its tail feathers; spurs at least half an inch in length; a beard at least six inches long; or, the ninth and 10th primary wing feathers have white barring extending to the outer tips. Most gobblers aged 2.5 years will meet this criteria.
Limit: The daily limit is one gobbler. The season limit is three.
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