Taxidermy do’s and don’ts for ducks

As both a hard-core duck hunter and an award-winning taxidermist, Shane Candler understands the importance of reliving the memory of the hunt, especially when it comes to mounting that first-ever species or trophy from the hunt of a lifetime.

He offers the following “tax tips” for waterfowlers to insure they get a good jump on a good mount:

  • Look the bird over for massive wounds. A taxidermist can’t replace missing hide or feathers and not all birds are good candidates for mounting.
  • Young birds or late molting birds may still have pinfeathers in their coats. Pinfeathers are hard to mount and will eventually fall out, leaving gaps in the mount.
  • Don’t put a bird you intend to mount on a lanyard or hold it by the neck. Carry the bird by its feet or in a pouch until the hunt is over.
  • Don’t gut or field dress any bird you intend to have mounted.
  • Never wrap a bird in newspaper. This age-old misconception dries the bird out and makes it susceptible to freezer burn. Taxidermists will wash any blood stained feathers before mounting the skin.
  • Store a bird to be mounted in a double seal zip-lock bag and squeeze as much air out as possible.
  • Get your bird to a taxidermist as quickly as possible in order to properly store the bird before mounting.
  • Follow these pre-taxidermy steps and you’ll have a memory worth reliving as well as a trophy to show off to others.
About Phillip Gentry 409 Articles
Phillip Gentry is a freelance outdoor writer and photographer who says that if it swims, walks, hops, flies or crawls he’s usually not too far behind.

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