The Radical Pan

The cast-iron skillet is a must-pack item for anyone who cooks a lot on camping trips, but there are a few things the old-faithful item can’t do.

For one thing, clean-up can be a bear, at a time when you need it to be quicker and easier. Forget having to scrub up after fixing eggs. And if you like a heartier breakfast, flipping pancakes in a skillet may not be that easy.

Enter the Radical Pan, designed by a chef  who was sitting on the beach, thinking about cooking. The pan has a chemical-free, non-stick surface and comes in three sizes: 8 1/2, 10 and 12 inches, so you can match it to the size of your camp stove or fire.

Better yet, it comes with a 3 1/2-inch, high-rise lip on the front of the pan to make it easier to flip those pancakes, get those eggs just right or even splurge for some campfire stir fry after a day in the woods or on the lake.

MSRP: $89-$109.

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