More facts on rabbits

Green grass next to heavy cover is an excellent place to ambush rabbits once the dogs get them running.

Female cottontail rabbits are called does, and they begin breeding in January and continue through September, with litter sizes ranging from four to five young. A single doe may add 20 to 25 young to the population in a single year. Gestation for the cottontail is 28 days, and the female may rebreed while still nursing young. The average age of a wild cottontail is 15 months.

The average gestation of a swamp rabbit is 40 days and litters are smaller (three to four) than their hillbilly cousins. Swamp rabbit life spans in the wild average 24 months.

A rabbit cannot move its back legs independently; they always move in unison. The powerful muscles of the hip and back give the rabbit their burst of speed, as well as the best eating for the successful hunter.

Undisturbed, rabbits are most active at dusk and dawn and often feed at night.

Very rarely, rabbits are carriers of tularemia (aka rabbit fever). Cooking the meat well done and diligent washing your hands should prevent human infection.

About David Hawkins 195 Articles
David Hawkins is a freelance writer living in Forest. He can be reached at