Bass Fishing

Post-Spawn Blues

Most avid bass anglers will agree that largemouth bass are more difficult to catch during the post spawn than any other time of the year. The post spawn has caused many seasoned fishermen to question their ability to locate and catch bass. […]


Red Reduction

There is still much debate on the 2007 quota on red snapper regarding recreational anglers. As it looks, the outcome is likely to be a 16-inch minimum total length, two fish per angler per day, with no take allowed for charter captains and deckhands, and that is likely to cause quite a stir among anglers and guides. […]


“Black” rifles legitimate for hunting

I wasn’t going to participate in the time-hallowed American tradition of “piling on.” I hadn’t heard about the controversy swirling around Outdoor Life’s Hunting Editor Jim Zumbo until it was brought to my attention by fellow outdoor writer and shooting enthusiast John Simeone from the Ft. Polk/Toledo Bend area. […]

Bass Fishing

Post-Spawn Pros

The spring is one of the best times of the year to catch bass, with fish up shallow and aggressively protecting their spawning beds. Anglers simply love picking big sows off the nests. […]