Now or Never
With spring turkey season going strong and crappie action fast and furious, it is doubtful many people are thinking of doves or dove hunting. […]
With spring turkey season going strong and crappie action fast and furious, it is doubtful many people are thinking of doves or dove hunting. […]
It’s April. If you want to catch a lunker bass, now’s the time to do it, and this issue tells you where. […]
It was a drizzly, miserable December 2009 night in Marrero, a small river town across from New Orleans on the west bank of the Mississippi River. […]
It’s April, and it’s the peak of the annual crappie spawn on most lakes in Mississippi. If there were only one month out of the year that a fellow could choose to go crappie fishing, most anglers would pick April. […]
My truck pulls a travel trailer or a boat much of the year, but there are weeks when it just sits in the garage. Thinking it had been two weeks or so since I’d driven it, I figured I’d give it some exercise while running a few errands. […]
Many Mississippi Gulf Coast anglers consider a temperature gauge the best tool for catching fish during April. A temperature gauge will tell you the most-abundant and the easiest-to-catch fish on the Gulf Coast and the locations of those fish, and often identify the baits these April fish will prefer to eat. […]
During April, I like to fish the Columbus Pool of the Tombigbee River because that’s when the bass usually spawn there. The bass stay very shallow, and are really accessible this month. You often can catch a nice string of good-sized bass in April at Columbus. They will be holding in all the backwater areas and around the banks. […]
It’s April. Spring has sprung, and we are in the throes of prime time for turkey hunting. Big toms are heating up their gobbling action. Hen groups are starting to bust up a bit and separate. This is the time when a big gobbler can be coaxed into gun range with some seductive hen calls. The trick is where to go to find these gobbling toms. […]
The largemouth bass are spawning. In South Mississippi, bass have been bedding for a couple weeks in ponds and in backwaters of the Pascagoula and Pearl rivers. In central Mississippi waters, the spawn is heading toward a peak. […]
With stealth, a lone coyote moves through the woodlot, its nose to the ground. Periodically, the canine stops and visually scans the timber. […]
The maddest Robin Callender ever got at a deer-hunting trade show was when a hunter from Michigan approached his booth, which displayed bucks harvested at his commercial operation in Claiborne County, and proceeded to tell him there was no way Mississippi had whitetail bucks that big. […]
Preston Pittman, the only turkey caller ever to have won all five divisions of the World Turkey Calling Championship as well as the Grand National Championship. […]
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