Thrill of victory overcomes agony of defeat for Yazoo hunter
Drew Beith killed a monster buck, which was estimated to score close to 160 inches, in Yazoo County on Jan. 31. […]
Drew Beith killed a monster buck, which was estimated to score close to 160 inches, in Yazoo County on Jan. 31. […]
Carson Rinehart, 10, harvested his first buck on the opening day of primitive weapon season in Yazoo County on family land. […]
Josh Waters killed this 142-inch main-frame 8-pointer with his bow on opening day of Mississippi’s archery season in Yazoo County. […]
For five years, Hannah Matthews said her deer hunting luck had been all bad, since her boyfriend Spencer Pierce had photos and other reports of big bucks on his hunting club in Yazoo County. […]
When Philip Hollimon talks about how he killed a 155-inch buck during primitive weapon season in Yazoo County, he only casually mentions the gun. […]
When Jennifer Mayfield of Madison was preparing to shoot her first buck, which happened to be a Yazoo County whopper, she didn’t have to calm her nerves so much as, well, those of her hunting partner. […]
Emily Howard is an avid hunter, so she was a bit concerned in early December when she found that her old hunting rifle had a bad scope and a few other problems. So, Howard bought herself an early Christmas present – a .243 Ruger with a brand new scope.
The self-gifting paid off on Christmas Eve when Howard used the rifle to down an 11-point monster buck near Vaughan in Yazoo County. The buck had a green score of 152 and featured not only a kicker, but a non-typical drop tine. The inside spread measured 19 3/8 inches and had a base of 6 inches. The mighty buck weighed in at a whopping 245 pounds and was estimated to be 5 ½ years old […]
Beau Johnson, 15, of Madison, isn’t likely to forget his first hunt with a muzzle-loading rifle, which took place Dec. 8 in the woods of Yazoo County. […]
Tracy Paul might have pulled the string that flung the arrow that drove the broadhead through the lungs and heart of the buck of her dreams, but she is quick to give credit for the 150-class buck to three men in her life that made it all possible.
Her dad, Michael Peyton, got her interested in deer hunting.
Her grandfather, Bubba Vandervere, taught her patience through fishing.
And, her husband, Tim Paul, bought her a bow that got her started archery hunting for deer about five years ago. […]
Gary Counts couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Hunting the afternoon of Dec. 8 with his boss on private land in Yazoo County, Counts watched several does and small yearlings being chased by a doe. She zoomed around the planted food plot, running off one deer after another. […]
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