Remington, Ruger top rifle purchases in 2012
Remington and Ruger were the most-popular rifle brands in 2012, while Remington held the top spot in the shotgun category, according to a survey of hunters and shooters. […]
Remington and Ruger were the most-popular rifle brands in 2012, while Remington held the top spot in the shotgun category, according to a survey of hunters and shooters. […]
If you’ve ever set nails in concrete with an explosive shell, you’re going to be familiar with the operational concept of one of the newest and most innovative firearms safety devices on the market.
It is called the “Safety Bullet.” […]
For every mature gobbler killed, with few exceptions, so many things have to go exactly right for the hunter, almost as if every star is in perfect alignment. […]
Dredges are becoming an ever more important part of an offshore angler’s tactics and tackle bag. Electric Fishing Reel Systems of Greensboro, N.C., is introducing the 2ST6 Tournament Dredge and are heralding it as the best, most- versatile and last dredge you will ever need.
The 2ST6 Tournament Dredge is constructed of stainless steel and titanium for a lifetime of use and durability, but its most unique feature is that it is modular and disassembles for easy storage. The designers identified construction and materials as two major concerns they wanted to overcome with existing dredges.
The materials used in most dredges are lead or aluminum for the head and stainless steel for the arms. These materials experience wear, deteriorate and break, and when there is a failure, the entire unit must be replaced. Most existing dredges are generally a yard or more wide, with crossing arms that require a 3×3-foot place to store.
On Monday’s deadline for action, Gov. Phil Bryant put his signature on the bill that will essentially end most primitive weapon seasons on private lands in Mississippi beginning in 2014. […]
It only makes sense, biologist Chad Dacus said, that the 2013 Big Buck Bounty was the best in its decade-old existence. […]
Despite the recent rain, up-and-down temperatures and seemingly constant wind, the spring fishing transition continues, and that is good news for bass and crappie fishermen. […]
We can argue over when the tradition of primitive weapon season died in Mississippi, but there is no disputing that it is dead. […]
In addition to its trademark spinnerbait, Slam Dunk also has resurrected the Thumper jig. […]
A machinist’s touch has made all the difference in the world to a spinnerbait made in the Sportsman’s Paradise. Just ask some bass anglers by the name of Shaw Grigsby and Kevin Van Dam, who make sure they get their hands on the lure any time they get to Louisiana. […]
The House of Representatives quickly concurred with amended legislation from the Senate that would, essentially, end primitive weapon season on private lands in Mississippi beginning in 2014.
Gov. Phil Bryant now has House Bill 1139, and has until March 25 to sign it into law, which he is expected to do. […]
When the press release about Garmin’s new marine-oriented Quatix sport watch hit my inbox, I opened it with lukewarm enthusiasm — but the more I read about it the more excited I got.
Two basic advantages of a watch with built-in GPS are that you don’t have to set it manually when you cross into another time zone and it can be accurate to within about a billionth of a second or, say, within one second every 30,000 years. […]
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