Yesterday evening 12/21/2020 at 5:21 pm I was able to shoot my biggest buck to date.
My name is Nathan LaGrange. I’m a firefighter out of Baton Rogue and I have been hunting most of my life. Taking my first deer at 10 years old with a youth model 50 Cal black powder gun. I’ve never had the opportunity to shoot a deer quite like this. I was hunting in Centreville, Mississippi on a piece of property that we lease. For the past few days I have been seeing does and a few small bucks. Nothing big enough to shoot, on the last evening we were hunting I was watching two does and a small eight point in the pasture when I noticed the eight point made a hard v line to the edge of the woods. I figured he was chasing a doe in heat and I would not see him again. A few minutes later the two does in the food plot became very aware that something else was coming into the plot. Then they started getting very antsy running circles, stomping and jumping. The eight point, along with a much bigger deer came back into the plot and it was very obvious he was a dominant buck. As soon as he stepped out enough for me to see the size of his body and antlers my heart immediately dropped. I was shocked at the sheer size and width of them, I had never seen a buck this large while hunting. The first thing I noticed was that you could fit two of the eight points racks inside of this giant 10-point. With light quickly fading I did not have much time to calm myself down so I took a few deep breaths and lined up my shot. He was feeding about 180 yards away, once he finally turned broadside I took a deep breath and squeezed off a shot using a browning X bolt .308 caliber bolt action rifle. It did not let me down. The buck only went 30 yards and crashed. He had run down a hill so I cannot see him from the stand, after giving him some time I rushed down to the area he fell and the first thing I noticed was the size of the horns sticking out of the grass. I immediately called my hunting partner who is hunting a stand a few ridges over. This will definitely go down as one of my fondest hunting memories. The next day at the taxidermist we found out he scored 134 with a main beam of 22 3/4 inches.
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