Posting photos, interacting with other outdoorsmen is easier than ever
Social media offers a lot of advantages, but outdoorsmen looking to talk hunting and fishing can find Facebook and Twitter distracting.
Fear not: has the perfect solution.
The redesigned forum offers the opportunity to discuss the issues important to you. Where are the fish biting? What’s the best rifle caliber for deer hunting?
And, of course, you can show off your latest catch or kill.
“The newly redesigned forum is a real step forward,” Mississippi Sportsman’s Tony Taylor said. “The main thing is that it’s mobile friendly now.”
With the rise in the use of mobile devices for surfing the web, the importance of that change can’t be understated.
“It’s easier than ever to interact on the forum,” Taylor said. “You can post multiple pictures from one page — just click on the images you want to post and then you can upload them all at the same time.”
The forum also has been moved from the traditional bulletin board-type format to a true forum, where each topic is partitioned. This has distinct advantages for mobile users in terms of the ease of surfing through the reports.
But it also provides users the opportunity to cut through the clutter.
“We’ve organized the forum by topic, which instantly forms communities of users,” Taylor explained. “The way this forum was set up before the upgrades, there was no division of interests: We mixed deer hunters with duck hunters with bass fishermen with speck guys with kayak guys with hog hunters, etc. Every time someone posted anything, there it was at the top of the page, inviting anyone with a keyboard to comment.
“Now our users can go right to the topic in which they are interested and interact with others of like interest.”
This format also should help control trouble-making trollers, who have traditionally just scrolled through reports and caused problems.
“We hope that as we separate the folks who like to duck hunt from the deer hunters from the speck fishermen from the guy who just wants to post a picture we can reduce the amount of anonymous mud slingers and begin to form communities of fishermen and hunters who come here and enjoy themselves, learn something and share something.”
The forum also offers some really cool new functionality.
For instance, there is now a quick-reply button at the bottom of each thread. This allows a user to read through a thread and — without going to another page — add a comment to the discussion.
“Just post a quick reply and it shows up immediately,” Taylor said.
So be sure and check out the new changes, and test out the new functionality. We’re certain you’ll fall in love all over again.
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