Stolen Hunts
You wait all year to deer hunt on your private property or lease. You spend endless hours planning. […]
You wait all year to deer hunt on your private property or lease. You spend endless hours planning. […]
Mike Heard handed his dad a jig and cork rig attached to a crappie pole, and quickly began fishing for the succulent white perch. […]
In the movie “Groundhog Day,” weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is doomed to repeat Groundhog Day again and again until he learns that his actions can affect the outcome.
Anyone addicted to turkey hunting can easily understand the frustration experienced by Connors of having to live out the same frustrating scenario day after day. And such was the case for me during the 1992 spring turkey season. […]
Put the info in this issue to work, and you’ll be feasting on the sweet meat of crappie. […]
Springfield Armory, famous for high-end 1911-style pistols, introduced a new model polymer pistol in 2001 that so completely overshadowed its production of those models, the company image was taken over by the new pistol. […]
Just south of Corinth, Bay Springs, an extremely clear, fairly deep lake created by the Tenn-Tom Waterway, has ideal habitat for really big spotted bass. I love catching those spots. […]
Fishing improves as spring shoves winter out of the way, and many of us spend more time on the water enjoying it. Newspaper and Internet fishing reports let us know when the fishing gets hot, but they are sometimes a bit light on telling us where. […]
Capt. Sonny Schindler of Bay St. Louis believes April is the best month for speckled trout and redfish in the Biloxi Marsh. […]
The gobbles of a wild tom turkey reverberating throughout a spring woods is the Holy Grail of turkey hunting. It is the single most defining moment for a turkey hunter that he has successfully slipped undetected to within hearing distance of America’s largest game bird. […]
The place to fish for bass in 2008 was Pickwick, according to the annual report from the Mississippi Bass Tournament Program conducted by MDWFP with the assistance of bass clubs throughout the state. […]
“Y’all having fun, yet?”
The question, hollered at no one in particular, was a short, cynical editorial designed to relieve the tournament fisherman’s frustration on a day when the crappie were not cooperating. The non-response he got spoke volumes from his tournament competitors who were in earshot and not catching fish. […]
You wait all year to deer hunt on your private property or lease. You spend endless hours planning. You fork out hundreds of dollars on food plots, other habitat improvements, maintenance and hunting gear. Excitement and anticipation build at a rapid rate. You are ready to hunt.
Then opening day finally rolls around, and you arrive at camp to find the gate lock is busted. The fence is run over or cut down. Hunting stands are vandalized, knocked over or, worse yet, gone altogether. Big-wheeled ruts are cut all over your planted plots. A deer carcass litters the camp road ditch, missing just the head.
Obviously, it’s a buck you didn’t get to harvest. Somebody else beat you to it. Trespassers and poachers have wrecked your hunting area and deflated your enthusiasm for a successful hunting season. […]
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