Turkey Hunting

Fine tune calls for gobbling peak

When gobbling action peaks, hunters have to be ready to step up to the plate with a big bat. So when are the predicted or statistically registered peak gobbling weeks during the statewide season? Then what do you do when you know gobblers are doing their parts? […]

Offshore Fishing

Bumper year offshore begins now

Saltwater fishermen can look for a bumper crop of offshore fish this year. With the BP oil spill last year and fishing shut-down all along the Upper Gulf Coast, the offshore fish had the least amount of fishing pressure they’ve had in many years. This year, outdoorsmen should see bumper crops of all offshore fish.


Field Notes

Jump Start

In the same vein as wondering why somebody would want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, I asked John Harrison why anybody would want to jump out of a perfectly good boat. […]

As Big As they Grow

Change up your tactics for spring crappie

Sometimes it seems impossible to report on crappie fishing here in Mississippi under the column heading of “As Big As They Grow.” I will admit it. For over a month now (at the time of this writing), crappie fishing in Mississippi has been kind of an “on again, off again” proposition. […]