Bass Fishing

The Mag 12 Buzz Worm

That two different professional anglers can fish a new 12-inch worm completely differently — with both catching solid numbers of quality bass — is a testament to the new Mag 12 Buzz Worm from Mister Twister. […]

Deer Hunting

It’s time to recalibrate

Well, we survived another Deep South summer, although this one seemed to be more wet at times than hot. My hope is that, in spite of the heat and humidity, you have long since been visiting your hunting properties mowing, spraying, repairing and building stands, supplemental feeding, and working trail cameras. If not, you are late and already running behind, and it is time to get the lead out. […]

Bass Fishing

Bay Springs: five rods, two areas

When I think of Mississippi lakes I like to fish in October, Bay Springs Lake comes to mind. A 9-mile-long reservoir on the Tenn-Tom Waterway northeast of Tupelo, Bay Springs has populations of all three species of black bass: largemouth, smallmouth and spotted. […]

Deer Hunting

Carruth is proof that women can be good bowhunters

Paula Carruth of Brandon has competed in bass tournaments with her husband, Jimmy Carruth, for many years, forming one of the most formidable and respected teams on Barnett Reservoir. You will find her standing shoulder to shoulder with him, flipping and pitching into heavy vegetation and horsing out any lunkers that mistakenly grab her lures. […]

Bass Fishing

Carolina concepts

It’s rarely the first choice for modern anglers boasting tackle bags full of the latest-and-greatest, but it’s always a good idea to keep a Carolina rig handy. Now, the slow drag may seem askew compared to more active presentations common to the fall season. But for those times between the craziness — for the dreaded bluebird days following a fall cold front or for those times when you just can’t seem to get ‘em going ­— the old ball and chain can be a straight-up day saver. […]