Deer Hunting

Does the moon really matter?

As regular readers of “Happy Trails” have come to know, I am a trail/scouting camera fanatic, and use the data I derive each season from my web of cameras to tell me when and where deer, and bucks in particular, move on my personal hunting property. […]

Deer Hunting

Climate change impacting wildlife, study claims

The National Wildlife Federation is urging sportsmen to do their part to help slow down or reverse climate change, concluding in its latest report “Nowhere to Run: Big Game Wildlife in a Warming World” that many big-game species across North America are already being affected and could be headed for a big fall. […]


Febrrrr-uary fishing

Sure, February is usually Mississippi’s coldest month, but it is also one of the best for fishing. When the conditions allow it, crappie, bass and catfish action can be as good as it gets all year, and the conditions vary by species. Here are five of my favorite cold-weather trips: […]