Deerhunter-0817 downs buck in exciting fashion user Deerhunter-0817 shot this great 8-point after it came out with a group of other deer to feed on white-oak acorns. user Deerhunter-0817 spent Friday (Oct. 15) morning in the woods, and came out with a fine 8-point to his credit.

He posted photos and his story on the reports forum:

“Spent a third weekend in the Mississippi deer woods and finally got a shot. The first weekend I had a close call with a 6-point; last weekend nothing seemed to move.

“Friday morning at 7:57 a.m. four deer walked toward me from out in front of me: two racked bucks, a spike and a rusty-red doe. I was able to stand up and ready my Oneida screaming eagle (yep, a dinosaur in the bow world).

“Anyway, after about 3 minutes the deer kept walking toward me feeding on water-oak acorns and slowly spreading out. I couldn’t count points because I was so excited and just wanted one of them to turn broadside.

“One racked buck walked out from behind a tree at the same time as the other racked buck turned broadside the opposite way. One deer was about two steps closer than the other, so I centered the sight halfway between the line of his back and the line at the bottom of his chest. I released the arrow. and all hell let loose.

“The one I think I shot ran out of the bottom while the other two bucks jumped and ran about 15 feet. There stood the second racked buck broadside at 25 yards, but I wasn’t sure if my arrow hit its mark.

“After a tense minute, the racked buck ran to my right, a few seconds later the spike ran back the direction he came from; then the doe took off. I waited a couple of minutes, and climbed down to find my arrow and see if any sign of a hit existed.

“YES, blood everywhere and my arrow was close by covered in red! I waited a few more minutes and slowly walked over the ridge where the buck I shot at had run.

“I saw him laying motionless about 30 yards (away) in the next bottom. I walked up on him with another arrow ready just in case, but he was down. The arrow had hit him center and exited low behind his opposite shoulder. All-in-all I think he … lived about 5 to 10 seconds after the arrow passed through him. I just changed from Thunderhead 125s to Schwackers

“I have to thank Greg over at Outdoor Express in Boutte, La., for replacing my popped bow string on Friday, Oct. 1. He took my bow at … noon, and had it ready with a peep sight and release loop by 7p.m. that evening.

”This deer is dedicated to my friend who passed away on opening day several years ago due to an ATV accident. I miss my friend, Wayne C ….

Good hunting y’all.”

All photos of the buck can be seen here.

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