Private John Allen National Fish Hatchery provides young largemouth bass
Officials recently poured about 40,000 largemouth bass fingerlings into the Smithville Pool of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway to help bolster the healthy population already found there, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks said today (July 6).
The 3-inch bass were provided by the Private John Allen National Fish Hatchery near Tupelo, and were surplus fish the hatchery had not planned to stock anywhere else.
“Most of the smaller lakes in the northeast part of the state have abundant bass populations, so (hatchery manager) Ricky (Campbell) and I decided that we would send the fish to Smithville (Lock B) just to do a little something extra for that area that has dealt with a lot of adversity this spring,” MDWFP’s Northeast Manager Jason Olive said.
Olive said MDWFP regularly samples Lock B, with results showing that it has a good bass population.
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