Gulf Coast Research Lab continues tripletail research project.
Tripletail are considered a coastal pelagic species, but studies suggest they don’t follow the same migratory pattern as cobia. In fact, no clear migratory trend has emerged from data collected from the Gulf Coast Research Lab’s 11-year tripletail-tagging program.
That doesn’t mean the tripletail program has been a failure, though, because what the tripletail study does not show about migration patterns leads researchers closer to discovering how these mysterious fish move about.To help gain a better understanding of tripletail, Jim Franks with the GCRL in Ocean Springs is seeking more anglers to participate in the tagging program in Mississippi.
More taggers on the water will lead to collecting that extra information that the GCRL needs.
To order a free tagging kit, contact the Gulf Coast Research Lab’s Read Hendon at 228-872-4202 or email her at
Editor’s note: This story is part of a feature on how to catch tripletail that will be in the August issue of Mississippi Sportsman magazine. Click here to subscribe today to ensure you don’t miss this great story!
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