Bids will be received by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) in the state office at 1505 Eastover Drive, Jackson, Mississippi 39211, up to and not later than 10:00 a.m., July 6, 2022 for the purchase of all timber, standing or down, designated for cutting on 152 acres +/- of O’Keefe Wildlife Management Area, in Sections 10 and 15, Township 26 North, Range 1 West, Quitman County, Mississippi. Each bidder is expected to make their own cruise and to bid accordingly.
Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sales and the submission of bids should be obtained from Carl Branson or Brad Joiner (601-432-2199 or wildlifebiologist@wfp.ms.gov). The right to reject any and all bids is reserved.
Properly managed forests through the use of timber harvesting operations not only provides high quality habitat for many of the state’s wildlife species, it is also necessary to regenerate and perpetuate the desired tree species that these wildlife species prefer. For instance, shade intolerant tree species such as oak, need plenty of sunlight penetrating the ground for them to regenerate and develop into the next timber stand. Thus, the harvesting of some of the over-mature overstory of the forest is needed to create these openings for sunlight to penetrate. This newly formed sunlight to the forest floor also stimulates a lot of growth of annual plants and forbs at the ground level that are relished by wildlife. So the next time you see or hear timber harvesting occurring on MDWFP-owned lands, rest assured that these practices are performed with the purpose of improving the habitats of the wildlife we all enjoy.
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