
Cold Crankin’

Have you ever stayed up late and watched one of those high-pressure infomercials on cable TV? The guy with the big teeth and the slick hair and the fast talk tries to convince you that this contraption right … HEEERRE … can do everything from grow hair on your bald head to save you money on your car insurance. […]


Young Guns

Madison County cousins Trey and Swayze Bozeman are like a lot of youngsters in our state, as both love to deer hunt. But that’s where the comparison ends, as these youngsters have already become accomplished trophy hunters in their own right. […]


Ground Check

Before Hurricane Katrina, Washington Parish deer hunter Alan Williams hunted Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge from the ground because he wanted to. Now, more than six years after the historic hurricane, he hunts from the ground because he has to. […]