Happy Trails

We’ve come a long way

As the title of this article suggests, when it comes to scouting camera technology and use, we have come a long way in a relatively short span of time. Scouting cameras of one form or another have been around for more than two decades, but the most-recent transformations of this tool have been nothing short of remarkable. […]

Deer Hunting

The super six

How many hunters have skipped Sunday school or church to go deer hunting? You’ll have a difficult time selling that after reading about how Chip Henderson, pastor at Pinelake Baptist Church in Rankin County, tagged his trophy Dec. 30. […]

Freshwater Fishing

Fall crappie kayaking

With a veritable jungle of iron weeds, small brush and other shoreline structure to hide in, there are some specific areas that go virtually untouched by fishermen — everyone that is, except members of the angling world’s plastic armada. […]