Deer of the Year

Hunter gets her ‘Oh My Gosh Buck’

Delise Menotti of Vicksburg loves deer hunting to the extent of few women. From the start of bow season to the end of the final primitive weapon season, she eats, sleeps and dreams the sport.

She hunts as often as possible, usually with her husband Scott.

Heck, she even wrote a country music song about it, which includes these lyrics: “I’m huntin’ deer and my dear is huntin’ me. Gotta Boone and Crockett in my scope, said a prayer asked for hope and steadied my rifle for the shot.” […]

Deer of the Year

Yazoo County 11-point falls on Christmas Eve

Emily Howard is an avid hunter, so she was a bit concerned in early December when she found that her old hunting rifle had a bad scope and a few other problems. So, Howard bought herself an early Christmas present – a .243 Ruger with a brand new scope.

The self-gifting paid off on Christmas Eve when Howard used the rifle to down an 11-point monster buck near Vaughan in Yazoo County. The buck had a green score of 152 and featured not only a kicker, but a non-typical drop tine. The inside spread measured 19 3/8 inches and had a base of 6 inches. The mighty buck weighed in at a whopping 245 pounds and was estimated to be 5 ½ years old […]

Deer of the Year

Poor Mississippi State University Gator Bowl performance leads hunter to 200-inch trophy buck

January 1 dawned dreary and rainy in Leake County, but that didn’t deter David Langford from going to the woods in search of a buck. After battling the rain and elements for a few hours without any luck, the discouraged hunter made a fateful decision to call it a day.

The Lena hunter decided to return home to watch his Mississippi State Bulldogs in the Gator Bowl — but that didn’t last long.

By the end of the day, he was back in his hunting stand and sending a bullet toward what turned out to be a 200-inch Buckmaster buck.

Deer of the Year

Hunter gets ‘Bull Shark,’ all 164 4/8 inches of him

Following what is becoming an all-too-familiar plot of modern deer hunting, Taylor Chastain closed the book on a well-known buck’s story on Jan. 3 at Bozeman Farms in western Madison County.

It was the Bull Shark.

Chastain and the Bozemans had been watching the deer for three seasons. There are numerous trail cam photos dating back to 2010, when it finally achieved mature status, a close call from the 2011 archery season and sheds from both years. […]

Deer Hunting

When in doubt, back out

Busted! Ever happen to you? While slipping into your favorite hunting stand, playing the wind just right, sun at your back, sprayed down with scent killer, walking quietly in rubber boots, you slowly creep around the corner and BAM, there stands a huge buck right in the middle of the food plot blocking your access to the stand.

And he’s looking right at you.

What do you do now? […]

Bobby C's Outdoors

Chase to fulfill resolution begins

I promised myself that the first day that conditions allowed, I would try to get started on fulfilling one of the many New Year’s resolutions I made, and the only one I am likely to continue.

The resolution: Catch at least 21 freshwater species of fish in Mississippi in 2013.

I am also attempting to get 15 saltwater species in the Gulf, which would be easier if it wasn’t harder to arrange the trips. […]


Cold Case — Tips for fishing for cold-water crappie

January is a time of new beginnings. A few souls actually make resolutions with the intention of keeping them, but for most the first month of a new year only marks the passing of the holiday season and time to return to the grind.

For crappie anglers across the state, however, January marks a time when crappie start to stir in the waters of the reservoirs of the Magnolia State.

Here are some tips for fishing for cold-water crappie.


Location and setup

“If you want to hunt ducks you’ve got to find some sweet spots off of the main lake and waterways in the area, and that means getting out and finding new water sources,” Jusin Giles said. “I’m looking for an area that will give them concealment, food and be located near roosting sites. […]