
Saltwater Bream

I have to name the tripletail as my favorite fish to catch and eat from the Gulf of Mexico. You must employ stealth to get close enough to cast to them, but an accurate cast will almost always draw a strike. Once a tripletail is on the line, you must move quickly to get it away from ropes, chains and buoys. […]


Hail to the Kings

July each year means fishing for king mackerel. If you’re practicing or fishing with members of the Southern Kingfish Association, carry a coffee can with you. After running 50, 60 or 70 mph for two to four hours, you’ll need a place to store all the screws, nuts, bolts and washers that have jarred loose from the boat. […]


The Cobia Machine

Thirty-five miles south of Horn Island in the Gulf of Mexico, we spotted a jack-up rig that seemed to be calling our names. As we approached it, we saw what we’d hoped — two cobia, a 40-pounder and a 10-pounder. […]