Fixed stands and shooting houses have become the norm for whitetail deer hunters.
Hunters like the Yennies, who take the risk to get out of the box and sit in the woods, know there are key tactics that will tilt the odds for scoring big bucks.
1. Hunters should pay close attention to wind direction and hunt with the wind in their favor. Deer annually live and die by their noses.
2. When sitting on the ground, take time to clear leaves, sticks and twigs out of the way in case you get uncomfortable needing to shift your weight and move quietly.
3. Try not to silhouette yourself. Sit where a tree or embankment of some sorts shields you and breaks up your silhouette.
4. Don’t hunt over fresh scrapes. Back off some. Long after you leave, a buck knows you were there and will change his routine.
5. Hunt small. Big deer pattern human activity and will hang in small areas, safe from pressure.
6. Look for natural funnels where cover exists along high traffic routes. Big bucks are hesitant to leave the sanctuary of heavy cover. Funnels force deer to pass closer to ambush locations.
7. Deer browse varies region to region. Talk with wildlife officials to seek information on herbaceous plants deer prefer as food in your area.
8. Deer scents and lures can be effective leading up to the pre-rut. But don’t overdo them or use them to cover up your excuses to not do your homework and preparation. Big bucks are unforgiving.
9. Try not to hunt the same location too many days in a row. Deer pattern human activity, just like humans do deer.
10. Start your deer scouting immediately after the deer season by analyzing your screw-ups and successes.
Editor’s Note: This story appears as part of a feature in Mississippi Sportsman’s October issue. To ensure you don’t miss any information-packed issues, click here to have each magazine delivered right to your mail box.
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