Mississippians can bring snapper to port if …

Mississippians can launch at home port, catch red snapper in Louisiana and legally return to port with the fish if they meet requirements set by the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.

Marine officials set regulations for fishermen catching snapper in Louisiana

The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources has announced regulations regarding Mississippi boats catching red snapper during Louisiana’s state season.

Louisiana’s season opened Feb. 1, but the season is closed in Mississippi and federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since many Mississippians launch in state waters and run to Louisiana waters for snapper, questions arose as to the legality of bringing those fish back to port.

It is OK for Mississippi residents who catch red snapper in Louisiana to land their catch in Mississippi, if they follow three simple requirements:

* Each person aboard who is of license age must have either a Louisiana non-resident or resident recreational fishing license.

* The boat must have a Louisiana recreational offshore landing permit.

* The boat must have a Tails’NScales trip authorization number.

“We want our Mississippi recreational fishermen to take advantage of Louisiana’s red snapper season,” said Joe Jewell, director of DMR’s Office of Marine Fisheries. “However, if those fish are landed in Mississippi, fishermen need to comply with the state’s rules and regulations, including the mandatory reporting through our Tails’NScales program.”

For more information about the Tails’NScales electronic reporting system or to register for a trip authorization number, visit dmr.ms.gov.

About Bobby Cleveland 1338 Articles
Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. A native of Hattiesburg and graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, Cleveland lives on Ross Barnett Reservoir near Jackson with his wife Pam.

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