
Sausage-stuffed venison meatloaf

This recipe is something I had wanted to do for a while, and I had to experiment a bit to get it right. Several of the early attempts were actually pretty good, but just not what I was looking for. This is my base recipe, but I am constantly experimenting. I have a penchant for combining two things that taste good separately and seeing how they taste together. […]

Deer Hunting

Preparation meets opportunity

When selecting a monthly topic for Happy Trails, my usual goal is to write about something that will allow me to share the knowledge and experience that I have gained through more than 40 years of chasing whitetails. I also like to provoke thought and discussion about certain topics and issues. […]

Deer Hunting

Does the moon really matter?

As regular readers of “Happy Trails” have come to know, I am a trail/scouting camera fanatic, and use the data I derive each season from my web of cameras to tell me when and where deer, and bucks in particular, move on my personal hunting property. […]

Deer Hunting

More than just photos

A couple of months ago, here in Happy Trails, I discussed whether or not the use of trail cameras actually diminishes or takes something away from some people’s overall hunting experience. As I pointed out, there is really no right or wrong way to scout and hunt as long as hunting regulations and generally accepted norms are followed. […]