The Rabbit Man
The bawl of a loudmouth beagle hot on the trail of a brush-busting cottontail or big-footed swamper is sweet music to the ears of every rabbit hunting fanatic.
The bawl of a loudmouth beagle hot on the trail of a brush-busting cottontail or big-footed swamper is sweet music to the ears of every rabbit hunting fanatic.
Cover: February 2007 […]
When I woke up this morning, I immediately noticed something was different. It was just starting to break daylight, and I hadn’t heard the first vehicle come down the old gravel road. […]
Listen, you can hear two gray squirrels and one fox squirrel barking,” I said, whispering to my son after making a young-squirrel-in-distress call.
I’d had a miserable day of crappie fishing, and only had caught three crappie all day.
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