Bass Fishing

What to throw at night

Weedless: Any of the myriad of plastic frogs or critter baits is a good choice in weeds, grass and lily pads. Techniques for day fishing can be used after sunset. Slowing down the retrieve just a little will keep the bait in the strike zone a little longer, giving the bass more time to strike. […]

Deer Hunting

Shopping local assures best fit

Ken Lancaster knows a bit about archery, including the horizontal type, having served as a past manager of the archery department at Van’s Sporting Goods in Brandon and now a host on the TV show Antler Insanity, and he understands the difficulty one might face in making a big switch in bow hunting gear. […]


Destination: Calling Panther Lake

Directions: Calling Panther Lake, a 512-acre lake managed by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, is located in Copiah County, 5 miles west of Crystal Springs off New Zion Rd. The nearest street address is 1000 Gaddy Ln., Crystal Springs, MS 39059. GPS – N31.984 726, W90.475 823. […]