Features from August 2019
- If you’re looking to have fishing success in August in Mississippi, then try a few of these tried and true techniques and you should catch a bass.
- Summer is in full swing, and many anglers are juggling family, travel and work, while still looking for the time to fish. Summer is both a time of freedom and confinement to traffic jams, long lines at anything touristy and launching ramp chaos.
- The last bream spawn for Mississippi’s summer is approaching. Here’s how to take advantage of the Magnolia’s favorite sunfish.
- Mississippi’s deer season is right around the corner. It’s time to start getting things lined up for the promise of opening day.
- Find a ditch, a dock and an oyster bed in the same area, and you’ve got the makings of a great place to catch a late-season flounder in Mississippi.
- Find the thermocline on your favorite Mississippi crappie lake and open up some great, hot-weather fishing opportunities there.
Columns - August 2019
- This is a tasty and simple recipe for preparing flounder other than frying it. This recipe is about as simple as cooking gets and is a bit healthier.
- For many bass anglers, size matters, and several states have implemented management efforts to enhance trophy bass opportunities.
- The new Mathews Vertix offers several features, including Switchweight technology, and an integrated arrow-rest mounting system.
- The Matrix Rip Shad is a hard-body artificial lure, a jerkbait, that’s already a favorite of his and charter boat captains in Louisiana.
- A good reason to fish Ross Barnett this month is because it’s a shallow lake with lots of vegetation, which provides shade, cover and oxygen for bass.
- African pompano (alectis ciliaris) are saltwater fish that are usually caught in deep, offshore water around wrecks and artificial reefs.
- To prepare for fishing the latter months of the year, you should look at the lures you used last season and consider why and where they were successful.
Outdoor Updates - August 2019
- The blue-green algae bloom has been a problem for fishermen and the oyster industry this year due to the Bonnet Carré releasing so much water.
- Mississippi hunters won’t have to wait long in September to get started shooting. Seasons begin as soon as the calendar page is flipped.
- Mississippi’s public-waters alligator season opens at noon on Aug. 30 and will close at noon on Sept. 9, with 960 permits issued to hunters.
- One coastal industry hurt by misinformation about the algae bloom has been charter fishing, but most captains say they never quit catching fish.
- The flood’s impact on hunting and fishing in the South Delta will be a major story for years to come, but many are suffering horribly.
- Hunters needing new guns, bows or ammunition can save on their purchases during the “Second Amendment Tax Free Holiday” scheduled for Aug. 30-Sept. 1.
Field Notes - August 2019
- Capt. Tommy Pellegrin firmly believes snelling circle hooks offshore has a direct correlation to the number of fish coming over his gunnels.
- One of the best tools a bass fisherman can have, especially during the summer when fish live largely in deep, cool, oxygenated water, are toothpicks.
- The details of your setup and presentation are important. Follow these tips to help you make the best of your night-fishing trips for crappie.
- From late June through November catfish move around a lot due to a number of factors and one of the best ways to target mobile cats is to drift or troll.