Lamar Arrington gave up his favorite stand to a friend's daughter and ended up harvesting a trophy 12-point buck Lauderdale County.
Eric Pell, along with 11-year-old sidekick, Owen Grissen, took a 164 2/8-inch Warren County monster on Dec. 11.
The Mississippi Legislature convened in early January, and only five bills involving hunting and/or fishing had been filed.
Robin Prince of Labadieville, La., passes on a doe and killed this impressive Humphreys County 24-point giant on December 11.
Biloxi's Thomas Lyons killed a a beast of a buck in Columbus on Dec. 11. The 20-point buck weighed 215 pounds.
Mississippi’s rabbit hunters really get serious in February, with deer and duck seasons finally in the rear-view mirror.
Mississippi’s No. 1 small-game animal remains the squirrel, although hunting pressure continues to plummet.
While many hunters begin packing up their gear for the long off season, hunting and fishing opportunities abound this month in Mississippi.
Try Barnett Reservoir, Eagle Lake, Okhissa Lake and the Tenn-Tom Waterway for great Mississippi fishing in February.
Mississippi saw its number of confirmed cases of Chronic Wasting Disease rise to 72. With six more suspected cases awaiting confirmation.