Bream-fishing mistakes to avoid

Although Charles Johnson often fishes bream beds from the bank, he scouts for them by moving slowly along the shore in a boat, looking for signs of bedding activity and testing spots by casting.

When Charles Johnson was asked what mistakes people make when they fish bream beds, his answer was simple: “noise, noise, noise.”

Although he admitted that noise doesn’t matter sometimes, most of the time it does — which the angler has learned by watching bedded bream behavior in clear water for years.

“They get spooked and leave the nest for deeper water,” Johnson said. “They usually come back quickly, but they are jittery and hard to catch.”

Earlier in the day, when Johnson was fishing the bed of spooked bream, it was almost comical to watch the fish. We could actually see them eye-balling us and reacting to every move we made.

About Jerald Horst 47 Articles
Jerald Horst is a retired Louisiana State University professor of fisheries. He is an active writer, book author and outdoorsman. Jerald may be reached at

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