Crappie Hotspots – Pickwick Lake

Sharing a common border with both Alabama and Tennessee, this month we pick the pockets of Shoals Area Crappie Association angler Darrell Keil to find out his favorite 10 crappie fishing hotspots for Pickwick Lake.

Cooler waters prevail as we pick 10 places you need to be crappie fishing this winter on Lake Pickwick.

Located at the most-northern reach of the Tom-Bigbee Waterway, Pickwick Lake is synonymous with crappie fishing to many anglers in the tri-state areas of Northeast Mississippi, Northwest Alabama, and Southern Tennessee.

Pickwick’s clear waters are in stark contrast to most of Mississippi’s other notable crappie lakes, but its reputation as a slab crappie fishery is well earned.

As cooler weather settles in for the season, two things occur that help crappie anglers hone in on their favorite game fish. With flood control as one of the lake’s primary objectives, the Tennessee Valley Authority begins drawing the impoundment down to winter pool. In reaction to both the receding and cooling water, crappie tend to congregate along the main channels of Pickwick’s major tributaries.Click here to read more on Crappie Hotspots – Pickwick Lake

About Phillip Gentry 405 Articles
Phillip Gentry is a freelance outdoor writer and photographer who says that if it swims, walks, hops, flies or crawls he’s usually not too far behind.

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