Stump roots on gravel bar also ideal spawning spots

Where anglers can find a combination of a rock and wood, they also can find spawning catfish at Pickwick Lake.

Although cracks and crevices along the craggy rock banks that line the shores of Pickwick Lake are great places to find spawning catfish this month, catfish guide Phil King says those aren’t the only places that attract fish this time of year.

“Those are just the most visually appealing areas,” King said. “But there are some other standard places where catfish will back into and spawn in Pickwick.”

King says the forests covered by Pickwick Lake were cut with cross-cut saws, and stumps positioned on gravel bars are sitting exposed 2 to 3 feet out of the water. And each of those stumps has an expansive root system.

“They get under that kind of stuff and spawn, too,” King pointed out. “A lot of people fish the common craggy banks and leave this stuff alone.

“It might be a place you want to try if you’re looking to fish something a little different than everybody else.”

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