Scully’s Aluminum Boats 2072 Walk Thru

The 2072 Walk Thru is one of the more-popular models from Scully’s Aluminum Boats.

It begins as a 20-foot-long all-welded aluminum V- hull boat with a bottom that is 72 inches wide. It also has a walk through windshield.

But just about everything else can be tailored to the needs and wants of the buyer.

Scully’s Aluminum Boats began in 1979, and is currently located in a 28,000-square-foot facility. The recreational boats models listed on the Scully’s website range from 17 feet to 36 feet, and there are a variety of layouts. Scully’s also builds workboats and service barges to 120 feet.

The Scully’s plant is a state-of-the-art facility, with each boat being computer designed and laser cut to exact specifications to ensure the finished product meets or exceeds the customer’s requirements. Several of Scully’s construction features are so innovative they have been patented.

Once the hull is constructed, placement of storage, seating and internal amenities is all custom work — and there can be a wide range of differences in the same basic model.

The 2072 Walk Thru begins with a 20-foot hull made from heavy-duty 3/16-inch thick marine aluminum. It is braced longitudinally and across its beam, with the deck and windshield bulkhead installed.

After this point, the options are up to the customer. Standard features are bow and stern decks with storage and walk-around gunwales, but the interior can go anywhere from there.

Once the hull is completed, a look at the Scully’s order sheet shows 70-some items that can be added — and several of these options have another dozen or so sub-options.

As one old hamburger commercial used to say, “Have it your way.” And, with Scully’s Aluminum Boats, there are a lot of ways to have it.

Scully’s produces customized fishing boats, pleasure boats, work boats, oil spill boats, sectionals/barges, yachts, hydrographic survey boats, Solas boats, USCG approved vessels, plus many more specialty applications in the marine industry.

The Scully’s factory has personnel with years of boat-rigging experience and can handle all aspects of your new boat, including full rigging and installation of inboard or outboard power, electronics, winches and all boating accessories.

Trailers custom designed to exactly fit Scully’s boats are also available.


• Length: 20 feet

• Bottom width: 72 inches

• Beam: 8 feet, 2 inches

• Fuel capacity: 40 Gallons

• Maximum power: 225 horsepower

• Hull construction: All-welded 3/16-inch aluminum

• Walk-around gunnels

• Rear deck all-dry storage

• Custom interior layouts

• Hull warranty: Five years

Stephensville, La.

About Jerry Dilsaver 152 Articles
Jerry Dilsaver of Oak Island, N.C., is a freelance writer, as well as a former national king mackerel champion fisherman. Readers are encouraged to send their favorite recipes and a photo of the completed dish to possibly be used in a future issue of the magazine. E-mail the recipes and photos to Jerry Dilsaver at