Deer Hunting

Claiborne County hunter scores 166-inch 8-point

On the afternoon of Dec. 4, an approaching cold front prompted Vicksburg’s Chase Bradley to head for his favorite deer stand on the edge of a 100-acre green field in Claiborne County. Bradley likes to hunt on cloudy, overcast days and this particular afternoon certainly fit the bill.

With a stiff northwesterly wind and a hazy sky, the conditions were perfect for catching a big buck sneaking out of the dense thicket to feed on the succulent green grass. […]

Deer Hunting

Potential state record deer arrowed in Jefferson County

Editor’s note: This buck was later certified as the state-record archery buck, topping the category in the Magnolia Records at 172 4/8 Pope & Young.

Will Rives is a die-hard hunter who is lucky enough to hunt almost every day during the winter. But on Dec. 15, he woke up at 4:30, got dressed and stepped outside to find a south wind and 60-degree weather – and then promptly walked back inside, crawled in bed and went back to sleep.

“That’s not like me, it usually doesn’t matter if it’s 80 outside,” Rives said. “When we knock off (of work) for the wintertime, I hunt every day. I’m relentless.” […]

Deer Hunting

Anesthetist puts big Copiah County buck to sleep

Nurse anesthetist Randy Wisenor makes it a practice to put people to sleep. It’s his job; it’s what he does.

On Oct. 1, Wisenor had completed his duties of sending surgical patients temporarily into la-la land, made the two-hour drive to his hunting lease in Copiah County and before darkness fell over the woods he’d performed the same feat – for keeps – on a trophy whitetail buck.


Deer Hunting

Patience yields 150-inch Claiborne County trophy

Lots of Mississippi deer hunters claim to practice quality deer management, but few are more serious about it than Kolby Byrd of Bogue Chitto. This 20-year-old hunter already has a number of trophy whitetails under his belt, each attributed to following intensive deer management practices.

And while bowhunting a tract of family land near Hermanville on Oct. 6, Byrd was once again able to reap the rewards of his management efforts by arrowing a monster 9-pointer he had been watching for almost two years with the help of several trail cameras.
