
Right place, right time

How often have you heard a deer hunter say: “So many choices, so little time?” 

And, here the October bow season is, and we have got the itch to climb into a deer stand regardless of the heat, humidity, mosquitoes or snakes.  […]

Bass Fishing

Seeing clearly

Turbidity negatively affects fisheries. It reduces light penetration and reduces the production of algae that is the foundation of the food web. Eventually the fine silt particles that make water turbid settle out smothering organisms that live on the bottom, turning hard bottom areas into soft muck, and eventually filling in reservoirs. […]

Deer Hunting

Tune up for archery hunting season

The clock is ticking. Time is just about up. Are you ready for bow hunting? If you haven’t really even thought about nor done anything about it, then, dude, you are way too late out of the chute. There is time to get caught up, but it needs to start like yesterday.  […]